Galénic is a scientific pioneer force in the skincare industry, committed to merging the world of beauty with the power of scientific innovation.
We are profoundly persuaded that innovation requires active collaboration, harnessing the power of collective knowledge and skills to achieve significant transformations.
At the heart of this approach is the GALENIC DERMATOLOGY RESEARCH FUND, an endowment fund created last September 2023 with the aim of encouraging innovation in dermatology, engaging the brand into scientific progress in the field and enabling, in the future, the creation of cutting-edge, high-quality products.
“In a world where innovation is the driving force behind change, novelty, originality, and invention ; collaboration and partnerships play a pivotal role in shaping the path forward. We believe that the
journey to innovation excellence is a collective effort because it leverages the power of collective knowledge, skills, and creativity to drive meaningful changes. [...]
The skin, our canvas, holds the secrets of beauty and well-being, and we are determined to unlock its full potential."
Sarah Michel-Stevens - Galénic, Managing Director

"Throughout my years as a dermatology doctor and researcher, I believe that science and innovation go hand in hand. They drive progress, pushing the limits of what is possible. However, to be able to have enough resources for research, partnerships and funding are also important to make science move forward."
Professor Jean-David Bouaziz, President of the Scientific Committee 2023, Galenic Dermatology Research Fund

Back to the 2023 edition
The fund aims to invest in groundbreaking projects led by French researchers, awarded four individual grants.
Applications in 2023, submitted by academic researchers, doctors or professors, were required to demonstrate a potential scientific breakthrough in dermatology within one of the following areas:
1. Understanding the skin's barrier function,
2. Knowledge of skin aging mechanisms (chrono-aging and photoaging),
3. Research on bioavailability and penetration of ingredients and active principles into the skin,
4. Cutaneous functional pharmacology with new ingredient and/or active ingredient leads,
5. Characterization of new cutaneous biological and biotechnological active ingredients (excluding drugs).
The four selected projects, chosen for their relevance, scientific interest and uniqueness, were carefully evaluated by the endowment fund's Scientific Committee.
In 2023, the GALENIC DERMATOLOGY RESEARCH FUND Scientific Committee was composed of eminent personalities from the most prestigious French scientific institutions in the field of dermatology and experts in cosmetic research and development:
- Professor Jean-David BOUAZIZ, MD-PhD, President of the Scientific Committee and Head of the Dermatology Department at Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris. Coordinator of an expert center, he is also a clinician and clinical trial
investigator at this same hospital. - Doctor Nausicaa MALISSEN, MD-PhD, dermatologist and venereologist at the Dermatology and Cutaneous Oncology Department and the Center for Early Cancer Trials, APHM, Hôpital La Timone, Marseille;
- Professor Katia BONIFACE, PhD, professor of Therapeutic Innovations at the University of Bordeaux and member of
the ImmunoConcEpT Laboratory (CNRS UMR 5164), a research unit of this same university; - Doctor Romain FONTAINE, PhD, co-director of the "Skin Biology" laboratory and co-director of the "Genetic
and Cellular Plasticity" research axis at the Institut Cochin, Paris. - Doctor Hélène Le Buanec, Immunology researcher at Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris.
- Jing Cheng is Chief Scientific Officer of the Yatsen Group, with over 25 years' experience
in Research & Development in the cosmetics industry. - Doctor Julien Demaude, PhD, is a consultant for Galénic. He has 17 years' experience in Research & Development in the cosmetics industry.
- Dr Corinne LEPRINCE – Head of Research
Infinity INSERM UMR 1291, CNRS UMR 5051, Université Toulouse III CHU PURPAN
The project led by Dr Corinne Leprince focuses on the importance of autophagy in the barrier function of the epidermis.
- Dr Elodie LABIT – Head of Research
IMMCEPTION Laboratory – Infinity INSERM UMR 1291, Neuronal Regulation of Immune Response Team, CHU Purpan
The purpose of Dr. Elodie Labit's project is to explore neuro-immune interactions
in skin repair.
- Dr Muriel CARIO ANDRE – Head of Research
IMMUNOTOPIC PROJECT – BRIC Bordeaux Institute of Oncology & CBMN Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-Objects Institute. INSERM U1312
The project headed by Dr Muriel Cario Andre focuses on a new method for improving
the bioavailability and penetration of active ingredients into the skin,
specifically for the treatment of skin cancers.
- Dr Fabien CHEVALIER – Head of Research
SKin functional INtegrity (SKIN) group - Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering
Laboratory – CNRS UMR 5305 – Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Dr.Fabien Chevalier's research project is to understand the role of small molecule
called miR-30a in skin aging regulation.
want to shape the future of beauty through science?
The aim of the Galénic Dermatology Research Fund is to reward research and innovation projects demonstrating a significant scientific advance in dermatology.
Galénic invites researchers and professionals who have a groundbreaking research project in dermatology, to join us in this exciting journey of innovation to shape the future of beauty.